Why the best burnout first

Women sad with a white piece of paper with a smile on it

In the past months, I’ve spoken to several people who experienced burnout at work. Generally, I’ve found that people go through 3 different types of burnout:

  • Physical & Mental: They’ve been pushing themselves hard at work for extended periods of time without sufficient physical and mental breaks. They feel exhausted. Even if they took physical breaks and time off they were still constantly thinking and stressing about work.

  • Emotional: They work in toxic and uncaring work environments. It used to be possible to stay objective and focus on their work responsibilities but eventually, it became impossible to block out the negativity. It takes a toll on their self-esteem and self-worth.

  • Spirit: They continue grinding away at a job that they no longer enjoy or find meaningful. They feel unfulfilled and unmotivated to complete the simplest tasks. They start to question their purpose but feel afraid of making changes and taking risks.

Regardless of the types of burnout they feel, almost everyone stays too long in their environment, feel helpless to make different choices, and finds themselves in unbearable situations. Most eventually quit their jobs. 

Burnout is clearly an indication that it's time for some changes in our lives. Quitting a job is sometimes necessary if you are feeling burnout but there are ways to succeed in your career without compromising your mental health in the process. Often there are underlying behavior patterns, beliefs, and values that hold us back from building the resilience and right mindset that allow us to navigate challenging situations and thrive. In other words, we can be our own worse enemy impeding our success. 

I’ve observed often that the most driven and capable achievers are the ones who reach burnout early in their careers. They are hyper-focused on achieving the goals that they almost always neglect themselves. These are the people who I work with to shift their mindsets around

  • Setting healthy boundaries

  • Prioritising self-care

  • Being intentional with their effort and energies

By creating internal and external balance in their lives they are able to truly expand their potential, tap into infinite personal resources and create a purposeful career that aligns with their life goals and values. 

So if you are starting to see signs of burnout, don’t wait till it’s too late.
Speak to me and let’s get you on the higher road to success. 

Erlina Sidik

Erlina Sidik is an ICF accredited, certified neurolinguistic somatic coach, corporate trainer, and facilitator who uses a holistic approach integrating NLP, somatic practices, mindfulness, and emotional intelligence skills to help individuals, teams, and leaders become intentional, courageous, and authentic. With over 15 years of experience managing cross-cultural teams and stakeholders in complex technical industries, she has a deep understanding of the challenges leaders face in today's fast-paced business environment and is able to help clients develop the skills and strategies they need to succeed.


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